Thursday, March 5, 2015


If you are the type of man who thinks, waking up every morning, reveling at all times during the day and reflecting before going to bed each night, “I Love Being A Man”!  Then you have what I call “PRIDE OF MANHOOD”!  Pride of Manhood is not vanity at all and anyone who misinterprets it to be so has fundamentally missed its humble handsomeness.  Pride of Manhood it is a profoundly warm and comforting sense of belonging that intimately ties a man to his family, community, other men and women; it is like being an official representative of your sex.  It is like being a member of a special and elite club that is solely responsible for the preservation of gentlemanliness.  It is a powerful commitment to uphold the most ancient and handsome traditions of manhood. 

Pride of Manhood is an emotion that I have felt since I was a boy dreaming about becoming a man.  I watched every man I encountered for clues and examples of the magnificence I would eventually inherit upon crossing that threshold.  I watched the way my father and other men dressed and walked and talked, studied the content and manner of their conversation, their deportment the way they groomed themselves, everything about being a man fascinated my imagination.  Today that passion and excitement has actually grown.  I am excited about just being a man, I love to hear the stories of men young and old because for me it represents the fulfillment of life itself.  As a man I am part of a great and glorious continuum that will mark my presence among so many great men in history, I am privileged to share with them the one truly great commonalities; that of being a man.

When I begin to define Pride of Manhood I think about my father and how close to his sterling example I have always followed.   I am so proud to be his son and to have had the ability to be blessed by his wisdom.  So I have defined for you the intrinsic, soulfulness of manhood and entreat all men to join in its resplendent celebration.  But there are other offerings to manhood more simple and more tangible,  that bring its ideology into a practical tactile realm.  Examples might be the way a man holds his cigar, the way he swings his golf club, or the way he places the feather in his fedora.  These are the practical manifestations of the spirit of manhood and create their own handsome aesthetic.  The way a man cleans his shoes or holds his braces, the chain he selects for his pocket watch or the way he unwittingly adusts his trousers… all of these define the extrinsic side of a man and should be celebrated equally as much because they bring the conceptual aspect of manhood into 3-dimensional reality, being assigned with color, texture and sound they define the visible man we encounter every day of our lives.

So today and every day I live I cultivate and celebrate Pride of Manhood, not as a phenomenon self-consciously manufactured for everyone to see but rather for my own fulfillment.  In a world where fineness of human character and integrity are diminishing I want to express my passion to shine as an example of resplendent manhood the extent that my effort I can serve as a model for others as well as a driving force for my own self-improvement in the arts of manliness!  I love being a man and that dynamic, fulfilling life-passion is what fulfills me with a true Pride of Manhood!


Written By Bigdaddy Blues 

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