Friday, January 17, 2014


If every person who claimed they felt threatened by a black man was able to lawfully murder them in cold blood it would usher in the resurgence of an old evil not felt since what might be called, “ THE GOOD OLD DAYS” or “THE GOLDEN DAYS OF LYNCHING”.  These laws have been created with one single minded intent, to strip away the civil rights of men of color.  The Stand Your Ground Law is redolent of the racist practices that typified a time we have nearly forgotten but their alarming revitalization wars of the resurgence of an old evil.  There are many men living today who so still remember the heyday of Jim Crow and the Klan and among them there remain a great deal who would see the injustice of those days return.  Some who have not known those times also desire the resurrection of their evil, albeit in ignorance but this ignorance should not be taken lightly for it is as real as the rising sun.  You see, anyone can claim they felt threatened or were physically threatened by a black man, and if they go so far as to stage the event or call in spurious witnesses to testify in the convenient absence of the dead black man then who is to challenge them?  We have forgotten how many black families have had to accept the terrible news that their men had been brutally murdered with no legal options and no way to physically avenge the wrong they were compelled to remain quiet lest they be victimized by the same wrath as their loved one…  If we allow ourselves to fall prey to the same venomous and malevolent hatred that befell our ancestors without challenging it to the last man then we have truly diminished as a people.   An inestimable debt is owed, to every man woman and child, black and white, who sacrificed their lives for the cause of freedom… and that debt should we become wealthy and free beyond our farthest imaginations can never be repaid.  If we fail now we shall have betrayed our glorious history as an indomitable peoples who have peacefully overcome one of the most evil, racist regimes in these modern times…  You have heard this warning before!  You felt its misery in your chest as a troubling ache awakened by fell deeds of unscrupulous hatred.  The uneasiness either moved you to fight back or to pretend it did not exist…. but the bitter and deadly rumor of it could not be erased from your consciousness, it was a terrible threat that fed upon the peacefulness of your very soul…  But will you take it seriously?  Will you take action?  How many of you black, white, Asian, Native American, or other race has promised that you would never forget or forgive this injustice? 

The media no longer hounds the doorsteps of George Zimmerman, a virtual nobody,  whose murderous act catapulted him to international disgrace but whose racist actions were rewarded by the courts of this country in the inglorious, rebellious state of Florida.  He is of no singular importance, a hapless pawn in the execution of a far more malevolent plan.  His sociopathic act of murder was done in complete ignorance of the Stand Your Ground Law that was clumsily but nonetheless, effectively conjured up to send a clear message to every Black American man that their watchfulness upon the battlements of freedom had gone lax.  There is no irony to this reality at all.  Black Americans who have lived through the days of openly legalized racism will tell you that what happened in that diminutive hamlet known as Sanford Florida is business as usual!  It is the great American way!  The lynching of black men in America has been and apparently still is a national pastime… an American sport eclipsing that of football, baseball, basketball and soccer…  And so it was that when the shameful and grievous lynching of Travon Martin hit the airwaves it captured the attention of Americans during the months of trial until the child slayer was finally released.  During this time of barbaric harvest Americans chose to ignore the pillaging, wastefulness and uselessness of its elected officials in congress while the country plunged deeper into financial ruin, losing its credibility in the international world.  Racism is one of those things that render those under its influence blind to rational thought; they will sacrifice everything in order to sate the insanity of their fears and prejudices.  Unfortunately there is little we can do to change someone who is a racist outside of setting a positive example hoping they will somehow be touched.  Until they can be transformed however it is our duty to stand our ground against racism!  Touché!

Every human being and most certainly every Black American man must vow not never to forget the shameful and racist lesson of the Travon Martin murder and trial but also vow to take peaceful action to do whatever is within their power to have the Stand Your Ground laws removed from every law book in this morally and ethically failing country.  The city of Sanford Florida finally banned the carrying of any weapon or firearms for duty on a neighborhood watch and while this is heartening to know for the protection of future Trayvon Martin’s it is nonetheless an untimely comfort for his grieving parents, family, friends, followers and mourners around the world.   

If these paragraphs have made you feel guilty about losing focus on the maintenance of freedom then I have been successful in reigniting your consciousness.  It is unfortunate that human beings do not always desire to do the right thing but that is why we have created laws.  It is unfortunate that the law itself is often profoundly flawed, ineffective and corrupted but this means we must take immediate action to remove those laws and replace them with sound and humanitarian laws that promote the good of all mankind.  We are busy and stressed in this twenty-first century world but we must make time to take time to correct those things which threaten to reverse the great progress that we humans have made.  I know that words are not deeds and deeds may not realize the outcomes they aspire to but the spark must be ignited nonetheless.  This is a spark!  This article is aflame with truth of conviction and by reading it you have been set alight.  When you have taken up the oath to challenge evil wherever you encounter it then you will be a luminary!  You are freedom’s incandescent torch, it’s clarion voice, it’s bladeless sword… you are the very personification of freedom!  How arrogant are those who would assume their racism would go unchallenged!  They did not know that you were here to challenge them!  They underestimated the power of goodness and truth and of the solidarity of morally, ethically strong and peaceful men that will drive them back into their primitive and depraved holes.   Their barbarity and ignorance is pitiable to civilized men but they must be taken seriously!   Such evil does not dispel itself it must be defeated at every front!  The deadly game of racism that has continued to hunt down the black man in America from the moment he was stolen to these uncompromising lands is built upon the corpses and soaked with the blood of millions of men and women who have died by the hands of racists and their evil dogma… they must be stopped!


Written by David Vollin


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